Guitar Fundamentals for Beginners
Learn the essentials of playing the guitar through the fundamental lens of music theory. This course will help you understand how the guitar is built, how to build and play 9 essential open guitar chords, any major, minor, pentatonic & blues scale, and understand the relationship between chords in the key of a song. Taking this course will give you the foundation you need to truly become a musician and love playing the guitar.

Introduction and How to Optimize Your Learning
Welcome to Guitar Fundamentals for Beginners, aka Music Theory & The Expression of Emotion! In this warm-up lesson, your new instructor Sami Ghawi introduces himself and outlines what you can expect from this course. He also explains how you can optimize your learning so you get the most out of the lessons.
How Sound Works
Now that you’ve met your instructor and have an idea of what you’ll be learning, it’s time to dive right into the foundation of music: sound. In this lesson, Sami explains how music is a combination of individual sounds and pitches. You’ll learn how string tension, length, and thickness shape the sounds in instruments like guitars and pianos In addition, you’ll discover how altering these factors affects pitch and vibration.
Understanding the Guitar
With the knowledge of how sound contains certain pitches, you’re now ready to hop on the guitar–Sami’s favourite instrument to play! Here, you’ll gain an understanding of the fretboard and learn some of the basic mechanics of how the guitar works. You’ll also learn about notes and their relationships to each other.
The Theory of Chords
So you know the notes, but how do we use them? In this segment, you’ll be making the guitar sing melodically by learning your first scales and chords. The major and minor scales are essential in your musical journey and Sami will discuss how they relate to emotion, making them easier to remember.
The Essential Chords
We’re moving right along! Now that you know your scales, learning chords is easy. Using your knowledge from the previous lesson, you’ll now learn how you can build your major and minor chords. By the end of this lesson, you’ll know how to play and understand 9 essential chords.
The Essential Scales
Now that you know how to build and play some chords, it’s time for the part that scares every musician at some point in their life–scales. In this lesson, we’ll be teaching you the most basic guitar scales to help you further understand music theory: the major and pentatonic scales. By the end of this lesson, you’ll have the information you need to start soloing!
Telling a Story with Diatonic Chords
We’ve arrived at the last new material for the course, great job! In this lesson, Sami will be taking everything that we’ve learned so far and apply it to make chord progressions. You’ll learn about diatonic chords and the emotions behind them, as well as how you can put these chords together in different ways to make beautiful music.
Wrap-Up and Where to Go Next
You’ve made it! We’ve covered a lot in this course, and now you have the fundamentals of music theory on guitar and how it relates to the expression of emotion. In this last lesson, we recap everything you’ve learned in this lesson, and provide some guidance on what you can do next for further learning. Thanks for joining us!
Our courses are designed to give you the fundamentals you need to accelerate your muscial journey and start playing right away. To do that, we have multiple assignments, quizzes and exercises throughout the courses, PDFs that you can download for offline review, and a number of Jam To This tracks that you can practice your chords and scales to! We WANT you to learn, so we’ve made it easy for you to do that!
8-10 educational videos
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Over 10 hours of additional videos
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